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Communicating the EU to the students through the simulation games

A Jean Monnet Module is a teaching program (or course) in the field of European Union Studies at a higher education institution. The aim of the modules is to promote research and teaching experience among young researchers, scholars, and practitioners in EU issues, foster the publication and dissemination of academic research, create interest in the EU, foster the introduction of an EU, and deliver tailor-made courses on specific EU issues relevant for graduates in their professional life.

In 2019, Dr. Elmar Mustafayev and Zibar Huseynova were awarded the Jean Monnet Module. The objective of the Jean Monnet Module of our Department is to inaugurate a simulation-based course in EU institutions and the decision-making process, and thus, improve the quality of teaching and raise the students' interest in EU related course.

The JM module of our department envisages the below-mentioned activities during the 3-year implementation:

  • To develop and deliver a course entitled "Communicating the EU to the students through the simulation games"
  • To organize countrywide simulations entitled "Practicing EU Diplomacy via Simulations in Azerbaijan" by involving students interested in EU affairs from different universities of Azerbaijan
  • To develop and deliver workshops entitled "What is EU and how does it work?" for the journalists
  • To prepare didactic materials on "What is EU and how does it work?" and distribute them among the journalists
  • To carry out research on EU-Azerbaijan relations and to publish it in a peer-reviewed academic journal