Student Life

Experience Leadership

From registered student organizations to volunteer opportunities, recognition programs and more, the Khazar University offers tons of rewarding and fun ways to get engaged on campus.

22 Sentyabr 2022

2022-2023-cü tədris ili üçün beynəlxalq tələbə qəbulu

01 İyul 2022

“Mən öz gələcəyimi seçirəm” mövzusunda tədbir keçiriləcək

02 Dekabr 2022

İngilis dili və Ədəbiyyatı Departamenti Beynəlxalq Konfrans keçirəcək

28 İyun 2022

Birləşmiş Krallığın Exxes Universitetində təhsil alan doktorantın seminarı keçiriləcəkBirləşmiş Krallığın Exxes Universitetində təhsil alan doktorantın seminarı keçiriləcək

Fall 2022

Sport and Active Life

You will stay physically active and maintain a healthy lifestyle at Khazar!

The Khazar University is committed to providing excellent sports facilities and services to the local community, staff and students, which will allow you to keep active.

Khazar’s football club formed a team of the strongest football players (presently premier league) in 1998-2004 and earned a certificate for the Intertoto European cup match in 2004.

Some of our students have been participants and winners of local and international competitions as well as European and world championships in various team and individual sports.

The university men’s and ladies’ basketball teams have successfully taken part in international competitions held in Azerbaijan, Iran, Georgia, Russia and other countries.

Sustainability at Khazar

The Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere on this planet. Sustainable Development Goal 17 is about "partnerships for the goals." and it aims to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

A successful development agenda requires inclusive partnerships — at the global, regional, national and local levels — built upon principles and values, and upon a shared vision and shared goals placing people and the planet at the center.

Khazar University believes in its critical role in addressing global challenges and achieving sustainable development goals. Our university is among the first Azerbaijani universities committed to achieving sustainable development goals.

On April 27, 2022, Times Higher Education (THE), one of the world's most influential rating agencies, identified the world's best universities for their social and economic contributions based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2022 and announced the ranking table. The 4th edition of the ranking includes 1406 universities from 106 countries.

The data show that we actively contribute to 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality), 10, (Reduced Inequalities), 13(Climate Change), and 17 (Partnership for Goals) sustainable development goals.

Especially, Khazar enables female leaders by inspiring them to pursue higher education through Nailekhanim Foundation (Azerbaijan) Scholarship which offers a high-profile competition-based one full scholarship for a gifted female student, regardless of national background and citizenship.

Etiam sed vulputate orci facilisi. Consequat massa egestas mattis tincidunt vivamus vitae arcu sed tincidunt. Nec, ut iaculis imperdiet habitasse sed. Amet, turpis neque aliquet sagittis nibh arcu consequat.

Testimony by Afghan girl

Owner of Nailekhanim Foundation Scholarship Class of 2018

SDG 5.B and 5.5

Take Action for Sustainable Khazar

Familiarize yourself with sustainability programs and policies. The actions you take help contribute to a healthier, more sustainable Khazar

  • Save Energy on Campus

  • Green Your Workspace

  • Reduce Water Waste

Fall 2022

Library & Information Center (LIC)

Great libraries are essential to great universities. Khazar University LIC as the intellectual heart of the university community, provides quality support for teaching, learning, and research through our staff, collections, programs, spaces, and services.

Khazar University Library and Information Center is located in the Nefchilar Campus, new building (5'th and 6'th floors) with three branches in Downtown, Baku Dunya SchoolSumgayit Dunya School and Ganja Dunya School Library campuses.

They support and empower scholarship and research innovation. The Libraries of Khazar is an 3-library, thousands of volume system that continually enhances its on-site and online services and resources for students and faculty and expands its research collections in all formats, from paper to electronic and multimedia.

LIC provides myriad services, technologies, and spaces central to and in support of the educational mission of the Khazar University.

After Covid19 pandemic, through our DSpace, we are able to offer publishers a platform for their OA content which ensures visibility, discoverability, and wide dissemination. These materials are freely vailable to libraries and users around the world.

Khazar University Library and Information Center collects printed and electronic materials in Azerbaijani, English, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, German, French, Japan, Chinese and other modern European and Oriental languages in the fields of Business Studies, Economics and Management, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Education, Social Sciences, Political Science and International Relations, Legal Studies, Education, Language Studies, Arts, Philosophy, Literature, History, and Medical Sciences.

An average 75% of the library materials are in English.

Khazar University LIC has an extensive reference collection, including monolingual and bilingual encyclopedias, special collections of rare books, manuscripts, and other materials.

Top 10 Facts about Your Library Service

Great libraries are essential to great universities. Khazar University LIC as the intellectual heart of the university community, provides quality support for teaching, learning, and research through our staff, collections, programs, spaces, and services.

  1. You can study at Library 61 hours a week, Including Saturday.

Upcoming library events

02 Dekabr 2022

İngilis dili və Ədəbiyyatı Departamenti Beynəlxalq Konfrans keçirəcək

Fall 2002

Internships and Volunteering services

I experienced 6 months of internship at Khazar in the Department of Political Science and Philosophy. By honor, I have to accomplish that that the work spirit I experienced, trainings and seminars I participated, and functional and behavioral skills I gained through the work with students empowered me as a young professional.

Currently, I feel ready for the job market.

Sindi Jafarzade

Intern at Department of Political Science and Philosophy Class of 2022

Honor Degree owner

It’s never too early to start planning for internships or your future career. Discover resources and services at the Career Center and within your academic department.

Upcoming event

01 İyul 2022

“Mən öz gələcəyimi seçirəm” mövzusunda tədbir keçiriləcək