
General Informatio

The main goals of the Khazar University Department of Education are to stay on the cutting edge of the modern field of education, to train professional teachers and specialists with high-level proficiency in order to meet a felt need in the country’s and society’s education system, to conduct research in various areas of the field of education, and to be a department specializing in the field of education on both a national and global scale.

The Department also offers master’s and continuing professional education programs for experts carrying out research in various areas of the field of education, including education management, philosophy and history of education, foundations of education, educational programs, curriculum development, and evaluation. 

The department is committed to developing an appreciation of the power of learning to transform people and society, in the sense that individuals have the potential for constant growth and that education can be a force toward improvement in the life of the community and society at large.

We see ourselves acting in concert with the Khazar University mission statement that emphasizes autonomous thought, moral agency, and active citizenship for all Khazar students.  The program emphasizes the development of habits associated with praxis, a concept in which reflection grows out of experience and is prelude and catalyst to action, particularly action that shares power and challenges injustice. Through this process, students come to recognize they are transformed as they learn, unlearn, and relearn in continuous ways that become life-long habits. The department intends that our graduates work throughout their professional and personal lives encountering, defining, and solving problems in continuous active engagement with the central issues of their time.

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Research activity in Education was a vital idea from the very beginning of Khazar University and throughout the process of the University’s establishment and its further strategic development. For this purpose, in 1992, Khazar University started a partnership program with the University of California, Los-Angeles in the field of University Management. Within the framework of this partnership program Center for Education and Information studies was established at Khazar University. Later on, another center related with Education – Center for Academic Quality Assurance – was created with the support of the European Commission.

Moreover, Khazar University faculty members were involved in teacher training programs in regions of Azerbaijan, including refugee camps. Analogically, the Center for Economic and Business Research and Education was established. This Center primarily conducts trainings in various fields of Economics and Business for secondary school teachers and entrepreneurs in Baku and regions of Azerbaijan.

In 2003, an undergraduate degree program in Elementary Education was first offered. The importance of nourishing the younger generation of teachers has been prioritized by the University since its foundation.

Also, since 2009 The School of Education has started offering new bachelor degree programs, such as, Azerbaijani Literature and Language Education, Mathematics and Computer Education, Chemistry and Biology Education, History and Geography Education. All these programs are interdepartmental programs offered jointly by the Departments of Mathematics, Computer, Chemistry, Biology, History and Geography.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to be able to meet the demands of modern education, to pass on national and cultural values, and to train intellectual and professional teachers who are able to think globally, using critical and creative thinking.


Our vision is to be an educational institution that prepares professional teachers who can intellectually engage with all fields, from science and technology to fine arts; who maintain a good reputation in society; who understand the needs and requirements of the work world; who are capable of adaptation to the global education system; and who understand that high quality and effective education is an important factor in the development and the dynamics of the country's economy. 

The School of Education provides a solid education for teachers who will be able to implement the priorities of the mission and vision in every stage of education, beginning from elementary education, and will be able to carry the responsibility of raising future generations. Having grown from its beginnings in 2003, when it started with the Pedagogy and Methodology of Elementary Education program, our School now provides 6 concentrations in bachelor programs and 5 concentrations in master and PhD programs. 

The School is engaged with professional personnel training and scientific research, including developing additional education and professional development programs which have an important role in the education policy and education strategy. It also organizes regular training programs for active teachers’ continuing education.