Description of subjects
EDU 101 Introduction to Education (6 credits)
It introduces students to education, its main concepts, social foundations of education, personality development and formation, age periods and their characteristics, history of education, first schools, teaching profession, its characteristics, teacher training. Pedagogical process covers topics related to state standards in the field of education, educational documents, special and additional education, political, philosophical, economic foundations of education, education management.
EDU 302 Curriculum and Assessment (6 credits)
Important philosophical, sociological, psycho-pedagogical, methodological issues presented to students studying in higher education through the course "Basics of General Education Curriculum" provide the formation of knowledge and skills in terms of implementation of the curriculum. The subject once again emphasizes the need for interactive teaching methods.
EDU 435 Informatics and its Teaching Methodology (6 credits)
In the course, the general issues of the theory and methodology of teaching informatics and ICT at school, the teaching of the basic course of informatics and the application of modern information technologies in the educational process are studied. They will master the skills of working with the most used programs.
EDU 496 Classroom Management (6 credits)
This course covers concepts related to classroom management, the classroom, the teacher, effective communication within the classroom, proper time management, problem student behaviors, and the organization of work with students who need special care.
EDU306 History and Philosophical Foundations of Education (6 credits)
The history of education, the history of the philosophy of education, that is, the educational concepts of a number of well-known philosophers who worked in different periods of history will be introduced, and their ideas will be discussed.
EDU 602 Research Methods in Education (6 credits)
In order to be able to carry out research on the topic, this course provides information on the stages of scientific research, which are the main stages of the research process: preparing research questions, formulating hypotheses, conceptualizing, collecting data, analyzing data, evaluating/interpreting data and writing reports. Some statistical software packages required for data evaluation and reporting are also used during the course.
EDU 495 Teaching Methods (6 credits)
To provide training of professional teachers from theoretical and practical point of view; to achieve successful application of modern approaches to education and new subject curricula; to prepare leading, creative, researching pedagogical personnel to improve the quality of general education.
EDU 407 Methods of Teaching Biology (6 credits)
Biology teaching methodology has been formed as a modern field of pedagogy and deals with the development of theoretical and practical issues of teaching and learning, content, form and means determined by the specifics of school biology. Studying biology teaching methodology is necessary for the comprehensive preparation of a biology teacher to work in secondary schools, taking into account modern trends and approaches. At all stages of methodological training, students' attention is focused on raising the level of requirements for the personal and professional qualities of a biology teacher.
EDU 437 Methodology for Teaching History (6 credits)
The methodology of teaching history, rather than providing students with a lot of information about the development of society and the history of peoples, serves to teach them the ability to learn from that information, to organize their mental and practical activities on logical and scientific bases, and to take their place in society.
EDU 409 Teaching methodology of the Azerbaijani language (6 credits)
The course will focus on the goals and tasks of teaching mother tongue to subject teachers, the content of Azerbaijani language training and the nature of intended learning outcomes, setting training goals, and methods of forming high cognitive skills to be gained. Teaching strategies of the mother tongue, requirements for the organization of training according to the theory of constructive learning, forms, methods and techniques used in the organization of training and planning of activities will be discussed, types of evaluation of student achievements and methods of preparation of evaluation tools, recommendations on effective teacher-student communication and learning environment will be given. .
EDU 350 Health and Physical Education (6 credits)
The subject examines ways of strengthening health and the importance of physical activity in this regard.
EDU 444 Methods of Teaching Chemistry (6 credits)
With the chemistry teaching methodology course, students at the general and full secondary education level (VII-XI grades) can acquire new concepts and essences, more systematic and application-oriented practical habits and skills through the development of chemistry teaching methods.
EDU 438 Teaching Methodology of Geography (6 credits)
They will interpret the methodology of school geography, the different characteristics of teaching traditional geography and modern geography, the functions and importance of content standards, the appropriate use of active learning methods and forms during the teaching of geography, the use of appropriate resources during teaching, and the development of new assessment tools.
MGT 410 Organizational Behavior (6 credits)
The subject "Behavior in Organizations" provides information about organizational behavior and learning by living with practical examples. It is to investigate which behaviors can be effective under which conditions for the success of organizations, individual and group behaviors and their causes, and how human behaviors can be directed under conditions such as motivation and stress.
EDU 408 Educational Administration (6 credits)
Students will learn about the main management theories for school administrators, the influence of management, school leadership, as well as the basic principles and practices in modern school management. Participants will be able to familiarize themselves with classical and modern management theories that can be applied to organizational restructuring, school management processes and have the skills to apply them in school management. Students will be equipped with knowledge and skills in educational management issues, contemporary approaches to them and their application in today's schools.