The department along with the academic program at the same time created the conditions for students to do scientific research work independently. For this purpose, applied and research laboratories were established in the department. Currently, research is being carried out at the department in these areas:
- Alternative energy sources and equipment converting solar energy to electric power
- New bioengineering equipment, design, and study of biologically active points
- Photonic crystal and quantum dot nanoparticles and their application in photonic devices
- Nano and Micro composites, Hybrid composites Polymer-Semiconductor-Ferroelectric-Piezoelectric Materials, Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction, Graphene

Piezo Sensor Technology

All dielectric materials when subjected to an external electric field undergo change in dimensions. This is due to the displacements of positive and negative charges within the material. A dielectric crystal lattice may be considered to be made up of cations and anions connected by springs (interionic chemical bonds). When an external electric field is applied to the material, the cations get displaced in the direction of the electric field and the anions get displaced in the opposite direction, resulting in net deformation of the material. The change in dimension may be very small or may be quite significant, depending on the crystal class to which the dielectric belongs.
Fiber nanocompisites

Nanoelectronics holds some answers for how we might increase the capabilities of electronics devices while we reduce their weight and power consumption. Some of the nanoelectronics areas under development, which you can explore in more detail by following the links provided in the next section, include the following topics. Improving display screens on electronics devices. This involves reducing power consumption while decreasing the weight and thickness of the screens. Increasing the density of memory chips. Researchers are developing a type of memory chip with a projected density of one terabyte of memory per square inch or greater. Reducing the size of transistors used in integrated circuits. One researcher believes it may be possible to "put the power of all of today's present computers in the palm of your hand".
The department has a laboratory serving the instructional and research needs of students and faculty. They are equipped with modern computer and electrical engineering facilities.
The teaching and research interests of the department encourage contact and cooperation with other educational and scientific institutions within the country and abroad. The strategy of the department is further development and transformation into a dynamic and powerful structure with great educational and research potential to achieve high standards.