When we provide you with an ISBN we collect personal data from you. This data will go on to the Global Register of Publishers (GRP) database.
We collect data when you request an ISBN
Khazar University is responsible for making allocations of ISBNs and ISBN prefixes to publishers located in Azerbaijan. In order to fulfil this role, we collect data about each publishing entity (be that a person or organisation) when a first application for ISBNs is made to us, and we update that information during each subsequent application.
Your data is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation
The information we collect may include personal data subject to the provision of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), such as an individual contact’s name, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and, for individuals, your personal postal address. Your data is affected by GDPR because we exchange such with the International ISBN Agency, an organization based in the United Kingdom.
Why we collect personal data
There are two primary reasons why it is necessary for us to collect this information. Firstly, it is necessary for us to make your registration and provide you with an allocation of ISBNs. It is obligatory for a publisher to provide this information in order for us to be able to supply an allocation of ISBNs.
The second primary reason for collecting this data is to pass it to the International ISBN Agency so that they may include it in their publicly-available Global Register of Publishers database (GRP). This is a database managed by the International ISBN Agency covering allocations of ISBNs to publishers worldwide – please see the website for further details.
Note that we will still retain all of your information in our private records for the reasons outlined above, but if you do not provide consent we will not share your personal information with any third parties. Note that you can change your preferences after submission of the application form by writing to [email protected].